
Overall Income Inequality: Gini coefficient - Househould income

What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Gini coefficient for household income from Department of Statistics Malaysia, Household Income & Basic Amenities Survey Report (2019); linked back at 1970 to the 1967 observation from Rao (1988) as presented in Krongkaew and Ragayah (2006); linked back at 1970 to the 1957 observation from Ikemoto (1985).

How does the Chartbook series compare with the source data?

Top Income Shares: Share of top 1% - Pre-tax national income (equal-split adults) ★

What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Pre-tax national income share held by top percentile. A single source series is used, taken from Data relates to individuals over age 20, assuming resources are split equally within couples.

How does the Chartbook series compare with the source data?

Top Income Shares: Share of top 1% - Pre-tax fiscal income (equal-split adults) ★

What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Pre-tax fiscal income share held by top percentile. A single source series is used, taken from Data relates to individuals over age 20, assuming resources are split equally within couples.

How does the Chartbook series compare with the source data?

Poverty: Share of bottom 40% - Gross household income

What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Total gross household income share of bottom 40%. A single source series is used, taken from Department of Statistics Malaysia, Household Income and Basic Amenities Survey Report (2014 and 2019). See also Ragayah (2008).

How does the Chartbook series compare with the source data?

Poverty: Share below absolute poverty line (PLI 2004) - Household income

What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Percentage of households with incomes below the absolute poverty line, which is defined as "the minimum income needed by a household to meet the basic needs of food and non-food for each of its members". A single source series is used, taken from Department of Statistics Malaysia, Household Income and Basic Amenities Survey Report (2019).

How does the Chartbook series compare with the source data?
